

We are open for business!

Temporary hours are currently 7:00am – 10:00 pm starting November 1, 2023. These times can change throughout the year. Please check at the office for any changes.

If you have any questions or would like to book the arena please contact the office or stop by and visit in person!

We thank everyone that stood by us during the pandemic and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon! 

Thank you, 

Board of Directors of the DC Stables and Arena Association 

Welcome to the Lakota Agriplex Website

DC Stable & Arena Association

300 Highway 2, Unit 3

Dawson Creek, BC V1G 0A4

In the spring of 1991, the City of Dawson Creek indicated to stall renters at the Walter Collins Park that the city was no longer going to operate the stables and that the facility was to be shut down. At the time, the stables were in a sorry state of repair and it appeared they would be demolished.

Several stall renters who were upset at the prospect of losing the equestrian facility, joined together and, with the encouragement and assistance from the city, formed the Dawson Creek & District Stables and Arena Association. The Association then drafted an agreement with the city which turned the operation of the facility to the Association in November, 1991.

The story to date of the Association is one of an impressive amount of volunteer labor being devoted to restoring and improving the facility. In turn, this has attracted an ever increasing number of stall renters and facility users, thereby confirming the place of an equestrian centre in Dawson Creek.

Volunteers from the Association have worked diligently with the City of Dawson Creek in the planning and the October 2007 opening of the Dawson Creek Lakota Agri-Center. This facility is a state of the art Equestrian centre aimed to accommodate a wide range of interests. The Agri-Center houses 110 indoor stalls, 76 tack lockers, complete wash rack and grooming area, and an impressive 100 x 240 foot riding area. This facility will be host to a variety of equine and bovine events as well as other events requested by various groups. The Association recognizes that with this success comes the need to manage and maintain a facility of this magnitude.

All association members are encouraged to take an active interest in the development of this marvelous equestrian facility. It is because of our volunteers that we can keep our costs to a minimum and continue to maintain and improve our facilities for everyone to enjoy!

Mission Statement

The Dawson Creek & District Stable and Arena Association is a volunteer society dedicated to providing an affordable and pleasurable multi-use agricultural center.

DC & District Stable & Arena Association Executive

Vice President  

For any questions or concerns email dcdsaa@gmail.com for the office

or dcstablesboard@outlook.com to reach DC Stables Board Members directly.

Contact the office 250-782-1445, cell 250-219-0154 OR Contact by email.